Keble Physics Website
Tutor Contacts
TutorPostDepartment OfficeTeaching roomCollege phoneDepartment phone
Andrew DaleyFellowClarendon   
Alex LvovskyFellowBeecroft 1st floorDeBreyne 1-4 72275
Matthias TeczaStipendiary LecturerDWB  73364
Paul JeffreysEmeritus FellowDWB  73229
Lars Bathe-PetersStipendiary Lecturer    
Aleksandr DuplinskiiStipendiary Lecturer    
Yiu Fung ChiuGraduate Student    
Shaoni KarGraduate Student    
Matthew FilipovichGraduate StudentSimon 163   
Aydin Deger     
Charlotte StuartGraduate Student    
B5 Tutor     
Oliver Lunt     
Email all Tutors

*On the University network. From outside the University prefix with 2; from outside Oxford with 01865-2; from outside UK with 0044-1865-2.